This blog is open to any and all who wish to hear all my ramblings about my adventures in moving to Ireland. I will be gone from September to mid-December, then if all is going well, I'll head back until sometime in the spring or summer. Anyways, I've enabled it so that people without blogger accounts can post comments, so please do! Once I move this blog will be my connection to everyone back home (although I'm sure I'll still be keeping up with everyone via facebook =D) Anyways, you can start at the beginning by clicking here then scrolling down to the bottom of each post and hitting newer post until your all caught up. After that, you can keep track via the list of blogs under each months heading on the left side. So enjoy!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Things are looking up

Well, I have officially been Welcome'd to SWAP! Yay! I got my welcome letter, stuff to access the swap exchange and all the forms I have to fill out. Blerg.

Well, it officially took me two hours to write those two sentances. Three if you really count the word blerg as a sentance. I should probably try this again tomorrow. Tomorrow I am also going to make a facebook status update to tell everyone my big plans in one go. I might also go into work and let my boss know my plans. If I don't let her know soon someone else probably will and I really like her, despite only working with her for a few weeks. I'd like to be the one to tell her. I'll also make a point of filling out... wait... to do list. Not that I think any of you are interested in what I have to do tomorrow but its related to the trip and well, its my blog, i'll write about boring stuff if I want to (8)

1. Clean bird cages
2. Give notice at work
3. Print out all work visa papers
4. Figure out next step in applying for irish passport (as a side not to anyone who doesn't know, I am also trying to get my irish passport. I wont have it by the time I go but because my dad was born in Northern Ireland I technically qualify for both a British passport and an Irish one. I only need one or the obviously, and if I get it before Christmas it will save me a little money if I go back after Christmas)
5. Link to first post on blog
6. Do facebook status update

7. Do laundry. Woo.

All before 7ish, since its Glorias birthday party tomorrow, yay!

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