This blog is open to any and all who wish to hear all my ramblings about my adventures in moving to Ireland. I will be gone from September to mid-December, then if all is going well, I'll head back until sometime in the spring or summer. Anyways, I've enabled it so that people without blogger accounts can post comments, so please do! Once I move this blog will be my connection to everyone back home (although I'm sure I'll still be keeping up with everyone via facebook =D) Anyways, you can start at the beginning by clicking here then scrolling down to the bottom of each post and hitting newer post until your all caught up. After that, you can keep track via the list of blogs under each months heading on the left side. So enjoy!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Told the Parentals

Well, I've finally told my parents about my plan to try a working holiday in Ireland so it's time to start my blog about this whole thing. I guess, since this is the first post I should start off at the beginning. Awhile ago I found this website,, which basically helps you get set up with a work visa and what not for students or people under 30 to do a working holiday, which is basically like a holiday where your working to pay for it as you go. I found it about a year ago and came kind of close to doing it, but then for various reasons kept putting it off.

This summer I started thinking about it again and after talking to my friend Gloria, who thought it was a great idea I decided to just go ahead and do it. I've been following lots of other blogs of people who did the same, finding random advice and what not, and have also been in touch via facebook with this girl from the states, Danielle, who is over there now. My plan as of right now is to leave in September (about 60 days from now), and book a flight home for Christmas, since no matter what I want to be here for Christmas. Then, if things are going well I'd go back to Ireland for a few more months (but be back by my birthday) or, if I can't find a job or am just ready to come home... then I'll stay put.

Anyways, I decided to wait until after my trip to NYC with my mom to tell my parents. I didn't want to over shadow our trip, and well... one thing at a time. My mom seems to think it's a good idea and that it will be good for me. I'm thinking the same thing, that it will force me to be more independent and come out of my shell a bit. All my dad basically had to say was that I can't afford to do it. After I told him that yes I can, I've worked out a budget, etc. etc. (too which his response was again... "no you can't") he then went on about how my passport will get stolen right away, or my visa. Anyways, I'm going to pass that off as him being tired from working all weekend. I probably should have waited to tell him but just thinking about it was making me nervous. So, I just did it. I won't bring it up again right away, and when I do it will be with a printed out copy of my budget. I really don't want to chicken out again, and for that to happen it would be really useful to have the support of my parents, preferably their enthusiasm.

I know this trip will decimate my savings, but I'm okay with that... this is what I've been saving for. It's not like I'm going to Ireland to make my fortune or whatever. This is something I have wanted to do for awhile... Lots of reasons why... It will be good for me, for all the reasons mentioned above & I want to try living somewhere else & I want to travel now, rather than later as life is bound to get in the way eventually & if I do manage to get a job, its way less expensive to see Europe from Europe than from here.

Anyways, that's it for now. Everyone knows (friends & immediate family), not sure when I'm going to tell work. The next step is to get either a past employer or teacher to fill out this form that basically functions as a letter of recommendation, and then I need to go to a travel cuts office and sign up so they can start processing my paperwork. I'll let you know how that goes.

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