This blog is open to any and all who wish to hear all my ramblings about my adventures in moving to Ireland. I will be gone from September to mid-December, then if all is going well, I'll head back until sometime in the spring or summer. Anyways, I've enabled it so that people without blogger accounts can post comments, so please do! Once I move this blog will be my connection to everyone back home (although I'm sure I'll still be keeping up with everyone via facebook =D) Anyways, you can start at the beginning by clicking here then scrolling down to the bottom of each post and hitting newer post until your all caught up. After that, you can keep track via the list of blogs under each months heading on the left side. So enjoy!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


So nothing new to report on the travel front but I've added some new stuff to make stalking me that much more fun! Exhibit A: Cute little countdown, telling you exactly how much time I have left before my plane leaves for Ireland... well technically, for Newark, but I'll only be there for 2 hours and that really just does not sound as exciting.

Exhibit B: Some random little tool to tell you what I've been reading. I've been keeping track of what books I've been reading this year because I want to read 100 books total (halfway there, so I guess I'm a little behind and my life is only going to get more crazy from here). Anyways, I decided to put them into goodreads in hopes of getting some good book recommendations, and then found this widget and thought why not. So now you can all track my every movement, err, page turn. Not quite ready to give in and get twitter. Twitter irks me. I just can't imagine anyone needs to know what I'm doing like three times a day although I guess I could think of a few people (Hi Mom!)

On a side note... I had worked out this cute shamrock themed layout for my blog, but then the background went and disappeared so I had to go back to the dots. Note to self: Re-do themeage before leaving in... 35 days!

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