This blog is open to any and all who wish to hear all my ramblings about my adventures in moving to Ireland. I will be gone from September to mid-December, then if all is going well, I'll head back until sometime in the spring or summer. Anyways, I've enabled it so that people without blogger accounts can post comments, so please do! Once I move this blog will be my connection to everyone back home (although I'm sure I'll still be keeping up with everyone via facebook =D) Anyways, you can start at the beginning by clicking here then scrolling down to the bottom of each post and hitting newer post until your all caught up. After that, you can keep track via the list of blogs under each months heading on the left side. So enjoy!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

6 Months in Ireland!

Today marks 6 months since I moved to Ireland. Half a year here, wow. It has definitely been incredibe. I have met some amazing people, Canadians and Irish alike. I've seen some incredible things, (Blarney castle was awesome. I will try to remember to Blog about the rest of my Ireland week on a day that isn't my 6 month Irelandaversary) and overall just had an epic time. No regrets, loved it all.

So, after what happened in Mayo and the whole jobless/homeless thing I've got going on now, I've decided to go home. It's not so much that I don't think I could find a job, there actually seem to be quite a few more oppertunities coming up now. But really, I was only planning on staying until the end of June anyway. Finding a job within that time seems doable but kind of useless, and finding somewhere to rent for what... 3 months? seems pretty much impossible. I have too much stuff to live at a hostel with, so... home it is. The other reason behind this is that I came over here to travel and due to all my joblessness I haven't done nearly as much as I wanted. So, I'm going to do that all now before I head home. Not sure what the exact plan is yet, but I am planning on getting a railpass and seeing a bit more of the world before I need to go home and be a normal human being again.

Anyways, thats all for now folks. I'll keep ya posted.

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